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主题: 德国吃喝玩乐系列:德国的矿水(编辑)
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作者 德国吃喝玩乐系列:德国的矿水(编辑)   

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加入时间: 2004/02/21
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文章标题: 德国吃喝玩乐系列:德国的矿水(编辑) (4139 reads)      时间: 2006-9-03 周日, 14:56   

作者:安普若海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com




这种情况令人意外,而且对一个通常被人认为主要以豪饮啤酒为生的国度来说,这几乎是一件丑闻。但是,当代所有的运动诸如健身热、节食热、健康热等都需要付出代价,这里也不例外。在美国任何一家餐厅,客人都会免费得到一杯冰水,而德国的情况有所不同,客人已经习惯了像点葡萄酒一样点矿泉水,如此就形成了一种自己的文化,出现了专门的饮水餐单,列有多达30种矿水,还有提供咨询的斟水侍者,似乎是要对蒙拉榭或是可东— 查理曼葡萄酒作舍取决定那样。矿泉水,既时尚,又流行。


矿泉水成了新的崇尚,可以从匆匆出版的有关这个主题的图书中得到验证,就连以往仅仅研究昂贵葡萄酒的斟酒冠军马库斯·戴尔·蒙那哥(Markus Del Monego)也撰写了一本有关矿泉水的书。"矿泉水绅士取代了葡萄酒绅士",乌多·匹尼(Udo Pini)在他的《美食手册》中如是写道。在德国餐馆的餐单上,加拿大和新西兰矿泉水可信度甚高。现在,有些水的价格高于一瓶葡萄酒,这有点夸张,不过仅一小点而已。

当饮水趣味随气泡升华 德国知名品牌Gerolsteiner




德国富商传记_ No.57

西蒙家族 (Familie Simon)

主要相关企业 Bitburger Brauerei

  西蒙(Simon)家族是比特堡啤酒集团的所有者。唯一一个代表这个有多个分支的家族参与比特堡啤酒集团管理的是家族成员阿克瑟尔.西蒙(Axel Simon) 。西蒙家族不仅喜欢喝啤酒,而且还喜欢“吞并”竞争者。这家啤酒集团起家于位於艾弗尔地区的一个小镇比特堡,但是,近年来,它成功地兼并了许多德国饮料业同行,如:Koestritzer,Wernesgruener, Gerolsteiner 等等,通过这种兼并手段,比特堡酿酒集团已经发展成为德国最大的饮料康采因集团,是德国第三大啤酒公司,第一大生啤酿造者和第一大矿泉水生产商,盈利率高居行业之首,可以说是德国饮料行业金字塔上方的最顶尖企业。该企业的总部还留在比特堡,拥有这个集团的西蒙家族拥有14亿欧元的财产。

与许多白手起家的其他创业者不同,西蒙家庭的祖先当初并不是这个叫比特堡啤酒的主人,而是象德国一家媒体所写的:是爱情造就了西蒙家族的啤酒王国。1842年,西蒙家族的老祖宗路德维希.贝尔特兰德.西蒙(Ludwig Bertrand Simon)娶了这个啤酒主人的女儿,并立即掌管了这个企业。从此,这个啤酒牌子归了西蒙家族。一个由甜美的婚姻故事开始的企业故事。不过,在1842年时,艾弗尔山区小镇比特堡出产的比特堡啤酒还是一个小牌子,所以其岳父可能当时也不再在乎将这个小品牌给了女婿西蒙。而现在的西蒙啤酒已经是一个庞大的集团。如今的啤酒年产量是400万个百升,公司拥有约1000名员工,年销售额为3.6亿欧元。尤其突出的是,它是德国啤酒行业中利润方面的矫矫者。

据德国啤酒行业专家的分析,比特堡啤酒的成功很大方面要归功于大手笔的广告和赞助战略。这家公司很早就投入了对体育的赞助。比如,从1927年纽伦堡赛车道投入使用直到今天为止,比特堡公司一直没有停止过在那里免费供应啤酒。比特堡啤酒的一句广告语也是简洁而琅琅上口,“Bitte ein Bit”这句广告词从1937年首次在广播广告里出现后,一直至今延用,成了这个公司的标志。这句话直译是“请喝一口比特堡”,似乎没有什么特别,但在德文中,“Bit”这个音节在这短短的句子里两次出现,无论是念还是听,都挺押韵和挺顺耳。比特堡公司的广告费每年在2500万欧元以上,高居德国啤酒业首位。在这个公司几乎担任了30年的总经理米歇尔.迪契(Michael Dietzsch)有句名言:“要敢于冒险,但不要拿脑袋和脖子当赌注。”


当然,公司最大的成功业绩还是在德国本土。1991年,公司买下东德图林根州科斯特利茨黑啤厂。并使这个黑啤成了德国头号黑啤。当90年代强身健体在德国形成风气时,公司又买下了他人的格罗尔斯坦纳矿泉水(Gerolsteiner Brunnen),今天这个矿泉水牌子在德国名列第一。


Gerolsteiner Brunnen

Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & Co. KG (Gerolsteiner) is a leading German mineral water firm with its seat in Gerolstein / Eifel. It is well-known for its Gerolsteiner Sprudel brand, a bottled, naturally carbonated mineral water. Gerolsteiner is also the chief sponsor of a cycling team, Team Gerolsteiner.


On January 1, 1888, the mine manager Wilhelm Castendyck founded the firm Gerolsteiner Sprudel as a GmbH in Gerolstein. In the same year, the first well was drilled. In November 1888, the water became a sort of official water of the city and became popular because of its high amount of natural carbonic acid. In 1889 its star and lion symbol was trademarked. Already in 1895, the water had been exported to Australia. In 1928, the company began to export to the United States.

The Gerolsteiner factory was completely destroyed in a bombing raid during Christmas 1944. In 1946 the filling machines were repaired and the full building and installation were rebuilt by 1948.

In 1986, it introduced a brand with a lower amount of carbonic acid to meet changing tastes.


111 Jahre Gerolsteiner Brunnen, HG: Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & CO


Country Germany
Source Type sparkling

Calcium (CA2) 347
Chloride (Cl−) 39.7
Bicarbonate (HCO3) 1817
Floride (Fl) 0.21

Maganese (Mn) 0.4
Magnesium (Mg2) 108
Nitrate (NO3) 5.1
Potassium (K) 10.8
Silica (Si) 40.2
Sodium (Na) 119
Strontium (Sr2) 2.9
Sulphates (SO) 36.3
TDS 2527

milligrams per liter (mg/l)

Website: https://www.gerolsteiner.de


Gerolstein is a town and climatic health resort in western Germany. It is part of the district of Daun, in the state Rhineland-Palatinate. It is attractively situated on the river Kyll, in the Eifel mountains, approx. 1100 ft. above the sea. Gerolstein is connected by rail with Cologne and Trier. The castle of Gerolstein, known locally as Burg Gerhardstein, was built in 1115 and now in ruins, affords a fine view of the Kyll valley. Gerolstein is celebrated for its lithia waters, which are largely exported. Pop. (2006) 8,430.


1852年德国人Kreuzberg在一次竞拍中以15TALER(德国的旧货币单位)购得一块葡萄园。但是好景不长,由于酸性土的原因使产量锐减。一开始以酿酒为目的的愿望刹那间就破灭了,可是事情发展竟然那么神奇。他想找到产生绝收的原因,挖地的时候到了50英尺竟然发现了高质量的矿泉水。他把它命名为Saint Apollinaris,一直流传至今。目前公司的日产量达到100万瓶的能力,公司的产品除了保留传统的矿泉水产品外还涉及到了以泉水为基础的果汁饮料。


Apollinaris is a brand of effervescent table water, very well-known in German-speaking countries.

Apollinaris has been sourced from a spring in Bad Neuenahr, Germany since 1852. Today the source and the brand of Apollinaris belong to the multinational Cadbury-Schweppes.

Since the mid-1930s and until 1945, the Apollinaris company was controlled by the Amt III ('third office'), a division of the SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt' Amtsgruppe W in charge of the food industry in Nazi Germany. Along with other mineral waters—Sudettenquell and Mattoni—Apollinaris was bottled at the Rheinglassfabrik bottling plant, also controlled by the SS.

Cadbury Schweppes plc is a confectionery and beverage company with its headquarters in Berkeley Square, London, England. However, it does not manufacture Schweppes beverages for Hong Kong, Ireland, or the United Kingdom, having sold its trademarks there to The Coca-Cola Company, nor is it manufactured in Poland or Brazil, having sold its trademarks there to PepsiCo. Cadbury Schweppes is currently the only major international confectionery manufacturer to produce Fairtrade or organic products, which they sell through their subsidiary company Green & Black's.

Carbonated water

Effervescence from soda.Carbonated water, also known as soda water, sparkling water, or seltzer water, is plain water into which carbon dioxide gas has been dissolved. The process of dissolving carbon dioxide gas is called carbonation. It results in the formation of carbonic acid (which has the chemical formula H2CO3).

In the past, soda water was produced in the home by "charging" a refillable seltzer bottle by filling it with water and then adding sodium bicarbonate. Club soda may be identical to plain carbonated water or it may contain a small amount of table salt, sodium citrate, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium sulfate, or disodium phosphate, depending on the bottler. These additives are included to emulate the slightly salty taste of homemade soda water.

1 History
2 Uses
3 See also
4 External links


Joseph Priestley first discovered a method of impregnating water with carbon dioxide when he suspended a bowl of water above a beer vat at a local Leeds brewery. The air blanketing the fermenting beer—called variously 'fixed air' and 'mephitic air'—was known to kill mice suspended in it. Priestley found water thus treated had a pleasant taste and he offered it to friends as a refreshing drink. In 1772 Priestley published a paper entitled Impregnating Water with Fixed Air in which he describes dripping oil of vitriol (or sulfuric acid as it is now called) onto chalk to produce carbon dioxide gas, and encouraging the gas to dissolve into an agitated bowl of water.

In 1771 Swedish chemistry professor Torbern Bergman independently invented a similar process to make carbonated water. Ill yet frugal, he was trying to reproduce naturally-effervescent spring waters thought at the time to be beneficial to health.

Today, carbonated water is made by passing pressurized carbon dioxide through water. The pressure increases the solubility and allows more carbon dioxide to dissolve than would be possible under standard atmospheric pressure. When the bottle is opened, the pressure is released, allowing the gas to come out of the solution, thus forming the characteristic bubbles.

Nowadays, carbonated water can be purchased at a grocery store, or can be made quickly and easily by using a home soda maker.


Soft drinks are often based on flavored carbonated water.

Carbonated water is reputed to be good for removing stains, for example coffee stains from mugs, or stains from silver. It is said that red wine stains can be prevented from setting by sprinkling table salt on the stain and then applying liberal amounts of carbonated water. This has, however, been disproved by the MythBusters.

Seltzer water was once commonly sold in small bottles with a metal handle on the side to control the dispensing of the contents. Since the carbonation in the water pressurizes the seltzer bottle, the liquid is propelled out as a stream. These bottles, along with the cream pie, became a common slapstick comedy prop favored by clowns, vaudeville performers, and The Three Stooges.

作者:安普若海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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