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主题: 纽约时报:斯诺登逃离香港始末(转帖)
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作者 纽约时报:斯诺登逃离香港始末(转帖)   

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文章标题: 纽约时报:斯诺登逃离香港始末(转帖) (7933 reads)      时间: 2013-7-27 周六, 07:37   

作者:安普若海归主坛 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

For Snowden, a Hasty Exit Started With Pizza Inside a Hong Kong Hideout
By KEITH BRADSHER June 25, 2013


KEITH BRADSHER 2013年06月25日

HONG KONG — For Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who has acknowledged leaking numerous documents about American surveillance operations around the world, the path to a sudden departure from Hong Kong late Sunday morning began over a dinner last Tuesday of a large pizza, fried chicken and sausages, washed down with Pepsi.

香港——美国国国家安全局(National Security Agency)前合同雇员爱德华·J·斯诺登(Edward J. Snowden)承认自己泄露了与美国全球情报行动有关的大量文件。他在周日上午晚些时候突然踏上离开香港之路,这条路始于上周二的一顿晚餐,吃的东西包括一个大比萨、炸鸡和香肠,斯诺登就着百事可乐吃下这些东西。

Albert Ho, one of Mr. Snowden’s lawyers, said that before the dinner began, Mr. Snowden insisted that everyone hide their cellphones in the refrigerator of the home where he was staying, to block any eavesdropping. Then began a two-hour conversation during which Mr. Snowden was deeply dismayed to learn that he could spend years in prison without access to a computer during litigation over whether he would be granted asylum here or surrendered to the United States, Mr. Ho said.


Staying cooped up in the cramped Hong Kong home of a local supporter was not bothersome to Mr. Snowden, but the prospect of losing his computer scared him.


“He didn’t go out, he spent all his time inside a tiny space, but he said it was O.K. because he had his computer,” Mr. Ho said. “If you were to deprive him of his computer, that would be totally intolerable.”


The outcome of that meeting, Mr. Ho said, was a decision by Mr. Snowden by Friday morning to have Mr. Ho pose two questions to the Hong Kong government: would he be released on bail if he were detained in Hong Kong at the request of the United States, and would the Hong Kong government interfere if Mr. Snowden tried to go to the airport and leave Hong Kong instead.


A person with a detailed knowledge of the Hong Kong government’s deliberations said that the government had been delighted to receive the questions. Leung Chun-ying, the chief executive, and his top advisers had been struggling through numerous meetings for days, canceling or postponing most other meetings, while trying to decide what to do in response to an American request for Mr. Snowden’s detention, even as public opinion in Hong Kong seemed to favor protecting the fugitive.


But Mr. Snowden’s choice of Mr. Ho to represent him raised a problem, said the person knowledgeable about the government’s deliberations, who insisted on anonymity because of the diplomatic sensitivities in the case. Mr. Ho, a member of the territory’s legislature for nearly 20 years, is a former chairman of the Democratic Party and a longtime campaigner for full democracy here, to the irritation of government leaders of the territory, which was returned by Britain to China in 1997.


“The Hong Kong government doesn’t trust him,” the person said, adding that the Hong Kong government also did not want to be involved in any direct negotiations with Mr. Snowden. So the government found an intermediary, someone with longstanding connections to the local government but not in office, to bypass Mr. Ho and contact Mr. Snowden through someone in the Hong Kong community who was helping Mr. Snowden.


The intermediary told Mr. Snowden Friday night that the government could not predict what Hong Kong’s independent judiciary would do, but that serving jail time while awaiting trial was a possibility. The intermediary also said that the Hong Kong government would welcome Mr. Snowden’s departure, Mr. Ho and the person who insisted on anonymity said. Both declined to identify the intermediary.


The Hong Kong government said that it would not interfere with Mr. Snowden’s departure and even provided unobtrusive police protection for him as he went through the airport, both of them said.


But, Mr. Ho said, Mr. Snowden went through the same security and immigration channels as most passengers at the airport, rather than a special channel usually used for people involved in highly political cases — a sign that the Hong Kong government wanted to minimize its involvement in Mr. Snowden’s departure.


At the same time, the Hong Kong government’s encouragement for Mr. Snowden to leave, instead of a suggestion that he stay and fight any return to the United States, had persuaded him that staying was risky because the Hong Kong government might not be on his side. “He would not like to fight with the Hong Kong government, with the Chinese government and the U.S. government” against him, Mr. Ho said.


Mr. Ho said that the disclosure late Friday evening of a sealed indictment against Mr. Snowden in the United States had prompted his client to become considerably more anxious about staying in Hong Kong, and the prospect of spending years in courtrooms or possibly jail as well. “He wanted a simple life,” Mr. Ho said.


Mr. Ho said that if the Hong Kong government had not assured Mr. Snowden of safe passage to the airport and exit from the territory, his client intended to seek the advice of Stephen Young, the United States consul general here, whom Mr. Ho knows socially. But there was no clear plan on what to seek from Mr. Young, and the Hong Kong government’s assurance of safe passage meant that this plan was never discussed in depth, Mr. Ho added.

何俊仁说,如果香港政府没有保证斯诺登能安全前往机场及离境的话,那么他的当事人打算征求美国驻香港总领事杨苏棣(Stephen Young)的意见,何俊仁与后者有社交往来。不过,何俊仁说,至于要向杨苏棣寻求什么,还没有明确的计划,而香港政府对安全通道的保证意味着,也未曾深入讨论那个计划。

Obama administration officials expressed profound annoyance on Sunday that Hong Kong let Mr. Snowden get away. But the person knowledgeable about the Hong Kong government’s deliberations said that there was considerable annoyance in Hong Kong about Washington’s handling of the case.


Mr. Ho said that Mr. Snowden has not been working for any government other than his previous service for the United States. “He believed he was doing the right thing, serving the people,” Mr. Ho said, later adding that, “Certainly he is not a spy for anybody – Russia, China.”


The Hong Kong government stalled for time by telling the United States on Friday that it wanted more information to support the American request for Mr. Snowden’s detention. Obama administration officials complained on Sunday that they were still working to provide Hong Kong with the information when Mr. Snowden was allowed to leave.


But the person familiar with Hong Kong’s deliberations pointed out that when Hong Kong made its request on Friday, it was still Thursday night in Washington. So the United States could in theory have sent more information by Saturday morning in Hong Kong, which would have required further review by the Hong Kong government. But the information was not immediately sent by the United States, the person said.


The Hong Kong and Chinese governments consulted very closely throughout Mr. Snowden’s stay. But Beijing allowed Hong Kong officials to make their own decisions and then vetted them, instead of dictating decisions to Hong Kong, the person with knowledge of the deliberations said, adding that one of these decisions had been to let Mr. Snowden leave, said the person familiar with the government’s deliberations.


Mr. Snowden, who has just turned 30, comes across as intelligent, analytical and quick-witted, Mr. Ho said. But he also came to Hong Kong from Honolulu without a well thought-out plan, while overestimating how free he would be to move around Hong Kong after his disclosures and underestimating the public attention he would receive, Mr. Ho added.


“He’s a kid, I really think he’s a kid, I think he never anticipated this would be such a big matter in Hong Kong,” Mr. Ho said, adding that, “He enjoys Pepsi, he prefers Pepsi to wine, that’s why I say he’s a kid.”


Mr. Ho presented an image of Mr. Snowden that differed in some respects from the public image that he presented in a video released by the Guardian newspaper of Britain when Mr. Snowden first stepped forward to take responsibility for leaks of classified information about American surveillance programs.


In the video, assembled over a period of days from various remarks made by Mr. Snowden, he appeared to have devised a clear plan of action together with a willingness to defy the United States.


But Mr. Ho described his client as someone with a vague sense of his legal options and a limited understanding, at least until the dinner over pizza last Tuesday, of his legal rights in Hong Kong. During the dinner, Mr. Ho said, “he came to a full grasp of the situation and better understanding of the reality.”


Mr. Snowden strongly disliked the possibility that he might be held without bail in prison without access to a computer for long periods of time punctuated by numerous court appearances, Mr. Ho said, adding that, “he was a loner, he didn’t have much support until people like us” started giving legal advice.


When Mr. Snowden came to Hong Kong from Hawaii in late May, he looked up an individual here whom he had met on a previous vacation here. That individual, whom Mr. Ho declined to identify by name but described as a well-connected Hong Kong resident, became Mr. Snowden’s “carer.” Mr. Snowden accepted an invitation to stay in the individual’s home when he checked out of the Mira Hotel on June 10, and the individual also put him in touch with two local lawyers.


One is Robert Tibbo, a barrister who studied chemical engineering at McGill University in Canada and later decided to become a lawyer. The other is Jonathan Man, an associate at Ho, Tse, Wai and Partners. It is one of Hong Kong’s best-known law firms, where Mr. Ho is the senior partner.

其中一名是罗伯特·提博(Robert Tibbo),他曾在加拿大的麦吉尔大学(McGill University)读化工,后来决定当一名律师。另一位是何谢韦律师事务所(Ho, Tse, Wai and Partners)的助理律师文浩正(Jonathan Man)。何谢韦律师事务所是香港最著名的律所之一,何俊仁是该所的资深合伙人。

Mr. Ho said that he had been busy with his work as a member of the Hong Kong legislature during the first week after Mr. Snowden went public. He said that he had not focused on Mr. Man’s representation of Mr. Snowden or on Mr. Snowden’s case until early last week.


Mr. Ho said that he then met Mr. Snowden for the first time on the evening of the pizza dinner last Tuesday. Mr. Snowden wore a cap and sunglasses and came with a friend in a car that picked up Mr. Ho, Mr. Man and Mr. Tibbo. They also picked up the pizza, chicken, sausages and Pepsi at a local restaurant – Mr. Ho said that he could not remember what was on the pizza, only that it was the largest pizza he could find.


Mr. Snowden said little until they had arrived at the friend’s home, when he took Mr. Man aside, Mr. Ho said. “He whispered to Jonathan, all the phones should be put in the refrigerator, the entire phones, and then he became very outspoken,” Mr. Ho said.

何俊仁说,一路上斯诺登很少讲话。到了朋友家以后,他把文浩正拉到一旁。“他对浩正耳语,所有的手机都必须放进冰箱,所有的手机都放进去。之后,他变得非常直言不讳,” 何俊仁说。

To prove that Ho, Tse, Wai and Partners was representing Mr. Snowden, Mr. Ho showed a sheet of paper that appeared to have been signed by Mr. Snowden, complete with his United States passport number and an agreement, dated June 10, that Mr. Man and Mr. Ho would represent him. There was no countersignature from the law firm on the document. Mr. Ho said that Mr. Man did not like to speak to the media and was not available for comment.


When Mr. Snowden went to the airport, he had a clear plan to reach another jurisdiction where he believed he could obtain asylum, partly from discussions with Sarah Harrison, a WikiLeaks activist who had come to Hong Kong and begun advising Mr. Snowden, Mr. Ho said. He declined to identify Mr. Snowden’s final intended destination except to say that it was almost certainly not Iceland or Cuba and that Mr. Snowden only intended to pass in transit through Moscow’s airport; he refused to discuss whether the destination was Ecuador.

何俊仁说,去机场时,斯诺登有了更清楚的计划,要去一个他相信自己能得到庇护的司法管辖地,他的想法部分来自与萨拉·哈里森(Sarah Harrison)的讨论,哈里森是维基解密(WikiLeaks)的活动人士,专程来到香港为斯诺登出主意。何俊仁拒绝确认斯诺登打算去的最终目的地,只是说十之八九不会是冰岛或古巴,此外,斯诺登去莫斯科机场只是为了转机。关于斯诺登的目的地是不是厄瓜多尔的问题,何俊仁也拒绝讨论。

Copyright © 2013 The New York Times Company. All rights reserved.
翻译:张薇, Cindy Hao

作者:安普若海归主坛 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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