美国人也闹事 - Protestors Take State Capital in WisconsinProtestor
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#1: 美国人也闹事 - Protestors Take State Capital in WisconsinProtestor (1616 reads) 作者: pw123 文章时间: 2011-2-19 周六, 12:27
作者:pw123海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

为了使议会瘫痪,民主党议员全跑了,州长下令警察搜索他们。What a joke!

ABC News:

Crowds protesting proposed budget-cutting moves that threaten the bargaining rights of many Wisconsin state employees grew to nearly 40,000 today, helping paralyze Madison, the state capital, for yet another day.

Despite the protests, and an exodus of Democratic state senators that has prevented a vote on a controversial Republican proposal, Republican Gov. Scott Walker remains committed to a plan to curb the state's unions and force them to contribute more for benefits and believes it will pass the legislature.

Walker told reporters Friday that he would not "allow protesters to drown out the voice of the taxpayers," adding that he had received 19,000 supportive e-mails this week and that a "quiet majority" of the state's residents are behind his plan.

Madison, Wis., has become a magnet in the national and emotional debate over budget priorities, drawing figures including the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the head of the national AFL-CIO. Even President Obama has injected himself into the growing fracas.

"Some of what I've heard coming out of Wisconsin, where you're just making it harder for public employees to collectively bargain generally, seems like more of an assault on unions," Obama told Milwaukee's WTMJ-TV in an interview Wednesday at the White House.

Key Democrats still are missing in action, holed up at a hotel across the border in Illinois after fleeing a vote in the Wisconsin Senate on Thursday. Republicans outnumber Democrats in the state Senate 19-14, but 20 state senators need to be present to hold a vote.

"This might be the only option we really have to try to say to the governor, 'Let's slow this down, you're ramming this through,'" said state Sen. Dave Hansen.

"The idea is to sit down and negotiate," said state Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller, one of the Democrats who left the state. "We've heard over 1,000 people testify about the impact this is going to have on their lives. It's heartbreaking. People break down in tears. This is a disaster and we're being asked to swallow it in just four days."

作者:pw123海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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