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#1: [原创]海外小孩学中文捷径 (2825 reads) 作者: china_firefly 文章时间: 2009-1-25 周日, 08:57
作者:china_firefly海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

(早就要写这篇短文,拖了好一阵. 祝大家新年行大运!! )




总听说中文比英文难学, 但没切身体会。前一阵我花了些时间辅导小孩中文,才真正体会到学中文的难处。和英文比起来,中文的缺陷真多,一是语法不规范,二是发音没规律,三是写法没规律。其中写的难处最明显,英文基本字母就26个,可中文的基本笔划就几十种, 更不用说各种排列组合了。感觉中文是人类的直观创造,而英文象是更高级的外星人发明似的。



1) 学拼音捷径
这是唯一容易的地方, 当年有人是基于英文音标来制定中文拼音,所以会英文音标的小孩学拼音简直是易如反掌。他们掌握下面的细微区别就基本没问题了。

辅音不一样的就这几个:c(吃),q(七), x(西),z(知)

元音基本类似,只是长音而已, a是ar,e是ee,i是y(页),主要区别是u,中文是“乌”, 和鱼u。 u只有在i后才是鱼音。


2) 秀才读字读半边



中文是象形文字,最科学的地方就是偏旁决定字义 (另一边决定发音)。
比如月偏旁是肉的简写, 肌,肤,脏等都是和身体有关。



总的说来,捷径就是, 从偏旁猜字意, 从另一半猜读音.

我把中文的翻译成英文, 希望对别人有点用.

Shortcuts for Chinese Learning
By Firefly

Everyone said Chinese is much harder to learn than English. But as native
Chinese speaker, I didn’t feel it until my kids started to learn. After I taught my kids for some time, I finally found the reasons. Mainly Chinese has three major drawbacks:
1) Grammar rules too loose.
2) Pronunciation rules too loose.
3) Character writing rules are even looser.

The most difficult part is writing. There are only 26 basic letters in English, while in Chinese, there are over 30 basic strokes and countless stroke combinations. In some way, Chinese is more like image in raw bit-map format, while English in compressed jpg format.

It’s really a daunting task for kids to learn the Chinese, so I came with some shortcuts. Hope it’s helpful for other kids, esp. those speaking English.

(1) Shortcut for learning PinYin (Chinese Phonics in mainland China)

Over 100 years ago, learning to read Chinese was very hard even for native people. Some clever people borrowed English alphabets and produced PinYin, Chinese phonics. So overall speaking PinYin is very similar to English phonics, except some small differences:
(a) All consonants sound same except:
c: chi,(吃)
q: chee,(七)
x: see,(西)
z: zhi,(知)

(b) Vowels sound similar, usually a bit longer:
a: ar,
e: ee,
i: yee,
o: al
u: usually sounds as wu , if after i or y, sounds as yiu

There are 5 tones in saying characters: flat, up, down-up, down, and one special relative-quiet.

(2)The radix (偏旁) determines the group a character belongs to

Chinese characters imitate the shapes of the physical ob<x>jects. The radix part determines the basic meaning. Some radixes are valid characters.
木 mu: wood -树 林
日 ri: sun: - 明
月 yue: moon -> meat 脏 肤
鸟 niao: bird 鹅 鸭 鸡
风 feng: wind
雨 yu: rain 雾
水-氵sui: water 湖 江
火 huo:fire 烧
土 tu: mud 地
石 shi: stone 破
金-钅jing: me<x>tal 铁
心-忄xing: heart-emotion 怀 情
纟si: kitted stuff: 编织
女 niu: woman: 好
王wang: jade-related 珠
目mu: eye (eye flipped 90 degree) 眼睛
鱼 yu: fish:鳟
言(讠)yan: language: 讲话
宀 gai: house: 家
艹 cao:grass: 花草
⺮ zu: bamboo, 笔
虫 cong: worm 蝗虫
衤yi: cloth 被
口 kou: mouth 吃 喝 吐 唱
疒 bing:sickness 病 痛
犭 quan: 4-leg animals 狗 狐 狸 猪

(3) Quite often, character sounds same as right/bottom half:
Statistically, about 50% of characters, right/bottom part sounds same as the whole character。So in case you can’t say a character, just read the half. You have 50% chance to be right, e.g. 湖 和 护 呼

So overall speaking, the shortcuts is: guessing a character's meaning based on radix, while guessing the sound based on the other half.

作者:china_firefly海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由china_firefly于2009-1-29 周四, 04:36修改,总共修改了8次

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